This stuff is vital for me because older games often completely mess up my desktop arrangement if they boot in anything different to my desktop resolution (1440p atm).

Just make sure that every time the game boots you're quick to press enter so that the 'OK' on the dialogue that pop ups telling you it can't save the ini file (since it's read only and it tries to save it with changed values) is pressed, if you take too long to do that the game will try to boot with the default values again I believe (which is why it crashed for that other guy still I guess). If you don't set to read only it can revert to the original values depending on what menus you try to access while playing. I would also suggest to make the ini files read-only, but only after you set all your other options how you want them.

SAS Mod is a modification for SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate, ceated by z.